November 2023
Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”
Franklin Elementary School
1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54902 Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581
Jami R. Kohl, Principal
Rebecca Kleven, Secretary
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The health office staff will be performing Vision and Hearing screenings this year on Tuesday, November 14, for students in Grade 2, Grade 4, and Kindergarten. If our screening identifies a concern you will be notified via US mail. We would encourage you to follow up with your physician at that time. If you do not receive anything that means your child passed his/her screening and requires no further action.
If you would like to opt out of these free screenings, please notify your school nurse as soon as
possible. Franklin's school nurse is Mikaila Peterson, and her contact information is listed below:
Mikaila Peterson, BSN, RN email:
920-424-0431 ext 2704For additional questions, you may reach Franklin's Health Assistant, Tracy Werner at or 920-424-0078
ext 1509
PTO Bake Sale
The PTO will host a bake sale after the Winter Holiday Concert (Listed Below) on Monday, November 13. Individually-wrapped, ready for sale, baked goods are needed for this event. Please click on the following link to sign up to provide baked goods for this sale: Your participation is greatly appreciated. The PTO's flyer is below:
Lost and Found
Please click on the following link to view a short slideshow of some of the items in our lost and found.
Picture Retake Day
Thursday, November 9
Network Photography is planning to take school picture retakes at Franklin on Thursday, November 9, beginning at 7:45 am.
Students who were absent on October 5, students new to Franklin after the 5th, and students needing their picture redone will be photographed. Please make sure that you return the original picture package that you purchased in October if you are asking for a retake.
If you did not pre-order a picture package, you will receive a proof card to order pictures online. These pictures will be shipped to your home with a $6 shipping cost.
Franklin PTO Halloween Costume Dance Party
Friday, November 3, 2023
5:00 to 6:30 pm
Please click on the following link to view the PTO flyer below more closely: Halloween Dance Party Flyer
PTO Scholastic Book Fair and Ice Cream Social
The Franklin PTO will hold a Scholastic Book Fair and Ice Cream Social Monday, November 6 to Wednesday, November 9.
Monday: Opening Day! Student shopping from 8-2:30 & 2:30-4 Parents can shop after school.
Tuesday: Student shopping from 11:30-2:30 & 2:30-4 Parent Shopping. Family Ice Cream Social from 5-7pm.
Wednesday: Last Day! Student Shopping 12:00-2:30 and 2:30-4 Parents can shop.
Please click on the following links to view the event flyer for the Scholastic Book Fair and Book Fair Details:
Scholastic Book Fair-Ice Cream Social
Holiday Shopping Fair
Friday, December 1, 2023
5:00-7:00 pm
The Franklin Holiday Shopping Fair is coming to town. . .The Franklin PTCO will hold its annual Holiday Shopping Fair on Friday, December 1st, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Franklin School.
Franklin students pay $3.00 cash for admission to the event, siblings and family are welcome to attend and enjoy activities for free. Franklin students are able to shop and wrap gifts for three loved ones. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the shopping area since the children are independently shopping for special gifts they
will give. We do have volunteer “elves” to help those that need assistance.
Donations Needed for the Holiday Fair
We are now accepting items that are NEW or QUALITY- MADE to be used as gifts for the Holiday Faire. Items may include, but are not limited to; picture frames, funky socks, slippers, coffee mugs, stress balls, coloring books,
jewelry, tools, decorations for the home, pet toys, candles, nail polish, toys for all ages, etc. Our little shoppers will be looking to pick out gifts for moms, dads, guardians, siblings, grandparents, and pets. Help us stock the faire! Items will be accepted through December 1st. A large box has been placed outside of the school office for your donations.
If you have questions, would like to volunteer, or would like to make a monetary donation to the event please sign up at
Or contact Nicole at
Classroom Raffle Baskets
Link to the following information Flyer:
Media Center News
October Edition of Common Sense Media has some great infomation on Safety, Privacy and Security for kids online: Common Sense Media
Franklin Winter Concert
For students in
Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2
Monday, November 13, 2023
6:00 pm
Alberta Kimball Auditorium
Please save the date for Monday, November 13, as students in kindergarten, first and second grades will be performing a winter concert at the Alberta Kimball Auditorium at West High School. More details will be provided prior to the event.
Bake Sale: Don't forget to sign up above to participate in the bake sale that PTO his hosting after the concert.
Tri-County Dental Clinic
Franklin will be participating in the Free Dental Care Program through the Tri-County Dental Clinic again this year. If your Preschool, kindergarten and/or elementary school child(ren) are eligible for Free or reduced cost hot lunch, or have a Forward card from Medicaid (Badger Care) and DO NOT have private dental insurance, they can receive free dental care on the mobile unit.
Registration forms for the free program will be sent home with students the first week of school. Please turn all forms into the school office only if you wish for your child to have dental services.
Mrs. Tiedt’s
Parent Connection
Dear Franklin Family,
I’ve created a mailbox for you to reach me by clicking on the following link: Mrs. Tiedt's Parent Referral Mailbox. You may also reach me via email: or by phone at 920-424-0078 ext 1528.
I am in each classroom every other week teaching guidance lessons. Please ask your student about the website that I’ve created for them as well. Click here to check out Mrs. Tiedt's Counselor Connection Website.
This is a stressful time for everyone. Remember we are here for you. If you need anything, check out this Oshkosh Area Community Resources link.
If your family is experiencing difficulty at home, I would like to provide additional support at school. I understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please call me and just tell me to “Handle with Care.” Nothing else needs to be said or asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all in this together.
Check below to see what’s happening this month in guidance!
Wishing you well,
Nicole Tiedt
November 2023
Counselor Connection
What’s Happening during Counselor Connection time this month?
During the month of November we will be focusing on Kindness! November 13th is World Kindness Day!
We’ll spend the month watching for kindness throughout the building. It’s a great month to show gratitude to others.
October was Bullying Prevention month. This month, we’ll learn the true meaning of bullying and the difference between someone being mean or rude or being a bully.
Here are a few books you might enjoy this month:
A Little Thankful Spot by Diane Alber
The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill
Llama Llama and the Bully Goat by Anna Dewdny
Families Families:
We are excited to announce an improved field trip process for families. Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, all field trip permission slips will be electronic and we are moving to cashless payments for field trips. This is a new process for our entire district and is meant to streamline and improve our service to families.
Additional information will be shared by teachers as they plan for field trips. However, we want to highlight the following features:
Our new online field trip process must be completed via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
All online transaction fees have been waived, including payments made by credit card, debit card, and checking/savings account.
If a field trip is sponsored by the district, the cost of the trip is waived for families who are eligible and approved to receive free and reduced priced meals. (This will be communicated to impacted families.)
Our school secretary will be available to assist families as needed and if a parent/guardian is unable to complete the online field trip process, we can provide support in-person or over the phone.
We look forward to providing your child(ren) with enriching field trip experiences that contribute to their educational journey. We appreciate your continued partnership and engagement!
Salvation Army Annual Coats for Kids and Holiday Sign Up
Salvation Army Holiday Sign Up Flyer
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Please click on the following link to view the lunch menus each month:
Food Service Information and Menus
Change of Clothing
Our younger students are strongly encouraged to keep a change of clothing in their backpack in the event they soil their clothes due to recess activities, lunch spills or health issues. Due to space limitations, we do not keep extra clothing at school to accommodate these needs. Parents/Guardians will be called to bring needed clothing. In addition, parents of students who have ongoing bathroom accidents may need to be called to assist their student, if necessary.
Outdoor Recess/Personal Property at School
Franklin students will be going outside for recess, weather permitting. Students are expected to participate in outdoor recess with their classmates and should come to school prepared to go outside with the proper clothing, shoes, etc.
A doctor's note is required if your child will need to stay in for a length of time longer than 3-5 days. Please keep in mind that toys, phones, electronic games, and sporting goods should be kept at home as we do not want to risk loss or damage to your personal property.
Professional Development Days
As indicated on the School Calendar at the link above, there will no school on the following dates due to Teacher Professional Development. Please look carefully at the student calendar for all other days off as well. The Profesional Development dates are as follows:
November 10th
December 8th
February 9th
March 8th
April 12th
May 10th
Birthday Treats/Invitations/and Books
Treats: Edible birthday treats are not allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc.
Invitations: Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class. If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too. We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.
Birthday Books: Each year our Franklin PTO raises money to purchase books that are kept in the Principal's office. Students are invited to the Principal's office on their birthday to pick out a book to keep and take home. Students with summer month birthdays are also included in this activity during the last months of school.