May 2024

Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”   

Franklin Elementary School            

1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI  54902    Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581

Jami R. Kohl, Principal
Rebecca Kleven, Secretary

Franklin Staff Directory 



Mark your calendars.....  we are celebrating National Walk & Bike to School on WEDNESDAY, May 8th!

Thank you for helping to promote physical activity, bringing attention to safety needs, and building a sense of neighborhood community to our school!

Reminder to bring a secure lock for your bike when using the bike rack (east area of main entrance).


5th Grade

DARE Graduation and Moving On Ceremony

Friday, May 24, 2024

8:00 to 9:15 am

Grade 5 students will gather in the Franklin Gymnasium for DARE Graduation and a Moving on Ceremony  to recognize the completion of their time at Franklin Elementary School.  Parents/Guardians of Grade 5 students are invited to attend this event.


Breakfast/Lunch Menus

Please click on the following link to view the lunch menus each month:

Food Service Info. & Menus

Annual OASD Registration

Get Ready for the 2024-25 School Year!

The Oshkosh Area School District’s Annual Student Update (Enrollment/Registration) for returning K-12 students and for new 4K students will take place April 1 - September 1, 2024. Students must be enrolled by September 1. While the deadline is September 1, we encourage you to complete this process as soon as possible to secure your child's spot for the next school year.
This annual enrollment process is mandatory and reserves your student's place at their school for the upcoming academic year. You'll update demographic and contact information through the Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal.
New This Year: Complete the process on your computer, tablet, OR smartphone via the IC app: Campus Parent.

To register on your smartphone, download the app from your device's app center (iPhone - App Store or Android - Google Play), or click these direct links. Be sure to select the "Campus Parent" option - look for this icon: 


CLICK HERE to log in to your Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal
and click the "Online Registration" link (located on the bottom left side of the home screen).
Note: This link will be active/available as of 8 a.m. on April 1, 2024.
If you don't have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account or need to
reset your password, complete THIS FORM.
For questions or assistance during the online enrollment process, contact your child's school office or the OASD Administration Office at 920-424-0395.
If you need in-person assistance, access to a device, or internet, attend our Central Registration Day at Oshkosh North High School on August 7, 2024. More information will be provided in the coming months.
Fees and payments if applicable for the 2024-25 school year cannot be paid until mid-August.  Additional information will be provided at that time.
Your child's school will provide additional resources for the 2024-2025 school year, including important dates.
Thank you for choosing the Oshkosh Area School District for your student’s educational experience.  We look forward to continuing to work with your family to meet your student’s individual needs and provide them with the best education possible.

For Resident Requests to attend

a school WITHIN the OASD

Out-of-Attendance-Area School

Applications to Attend Another School
IN the Oshkosh District
Due by Friday, February 23, 2024
for the 2024-25 school year 
The Oshkosh Area School District allows parents of resident students to request attendance at a school other than their home school in the district.  All requests will be handled administratively following district policy, including compliance with W.I.A.A. rules, when appropriate.  Out-of-Attendance Area application forms with district guidelines are available on the school district website at the following link:


Parents requesting a K-12 out-of-attendance area school for their child must submit an application by February 23, 2024.  The district will notify parents via e-mail in spring as to whether their request is approved or denied. 
Any requests received after the deadline may be held for review
until after district-wide registration is completed in August 2024.

For Requests to attend a school OUTSIDE the Oshkosh Area School District

Public School Open Enrollment to Other School District
Applications are due by 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2024
Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment
program allows parents to apply for their children to
attend school districts other than the one in which they live.
Students in 4-year-old Kindergarten to Grade 12
may apply to participate in open enrollment.  
Parents should call their resident school districts to
find out if their preschool-aged children qualify for open enrollment.  
The open enrollment application period for the 2024-25 school year is from Feb. 5 - April 30, 2024. 
Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.  

Parents may apply in one of two ways:

1.  On-line (recommended) at  (Accessible as of February 5, 2024)

2.  Although on-line application is recommended, paper applications may be obtained from the Student Information Services Manager at 215 S. Eagle St. & must be delivered to the nonresident school district.
(Hand delivery recommended) 

Dog walker

Pets on School Property

Parents picking up their children after school must stay on the sidewalk with their pets and not come onto school property.  The district  does allow service animals and therapy animals. 

Please refer to the District Policy.

Book:  Policy Manual
Section: 8000 Operations
Code: po8390
Status: Active
Adopted: November 18, 2015
Last Revised: November 18, 2020
Link to Board Policy for full details
Health Room


From the Health Office

All medications are to be picked up by the parent/guardian on or before the last day of school. Tracy Werner, RN, will be reaching out regarding parental consent to send home over the counter medications (ie. cough drops) home with your student(s).  Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year. If there is NO response regarding the medication and they are not picked up/ sent home by the end of the day on the last day of school, May 31st, the medication will be properly disposed of. 

If your child has a current health plan or emergency plan on file with the school, you will receive a copy during the summer to update for the upcoming school year.

If your child has a change in their health or has a healthcare need at school, please email our school district nurse, Mikaila Peterson during the summer and she will contact you at the beginning of the school year to discuss. 

If your child will need to take medication at school, please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year.  As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.

If your child will need to take medication at school, please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year.  As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.

Medication Treatment/Request Form

If you have a child with a severe allergy, asthma, or seizures the following forms will need to be completed for our school nurse. Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Allergy medications, etc., must be in their original containers.  Expiration dates will be monitored.

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan

Asthma Action Plan for Home and School

Seizure Action Plan


School Nurse:  Mikaila Peterson, BSN, RN



Health Assistant: Tracy Werner, ADN, RN



Balloons - Free images on PixabayBirthday Treats, Invitations and Books

Treats:  Edible birthday treats are not allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc. 

Invitations:  Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class.   If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too.  We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.

Birthday Books:  Each year our Franklin PTO raises money to purchase books that are kept in the Principal's office.  Students are invited to the Principal's office on their birthday to pick out a book to keep and take home.  Students with summer month birthdays are also included in this activity during the last months of school.






On the south side of Mason St. (leading towards 9th Ave), there is NO PARKING.  We have received calls from our neighbors saying No parkingthat cars are parked along both sides of the street, as well as BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS.  The street is impassable with both sides lined with cars.  PLEASE do NOT park on the posted side of Mason Street.  PLEASE be aware of how close you are to the driveways.
Thank you!

Hello Franklin Elementary Families

The American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge program will be kicking off the week of April 23, 2024. We invite you to join us as we Celebrate a Legacy of Lifesavers and continue the fight against heart disease and stroke! Your child will be bringing home an envelope with details on how to donate to American Heart. All Donations are due Friday May 3rd. We will be celebrating Kids Heart Challenge by jump roping as an entire school on May 20, from 1:15 - 2:30. Or get started now by following the steps below.

  1. Download the AHA Schools APP and Register:      

  2. Click “Send a Message” and TEXT 10 Friends and Family asking for support.



3.  Be a Heart Hero and Complete Finn’s Mission and learn TWO life-saving skills as a family TONIGHT!

or REGISTER at and Click “Sign Up” 



Hello, OASD Parents/Guardians,

As part of our continued efforts to best serve our students and families, we are reaching out to gather feedback about the current environment of our schools. We are inviting you to participate in a brief survey that asks you to reflect on your experiences in Oshkosh Area School District schools. 

  • This is the second year that the school district is doing this survey, conducted by an independent, third-party research firm called Hannover Research. 

  • Your responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential, so please be as open and honest as possible. 

  • It takes just 10-15 minutes to complete. 

  • The survey is available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Swahili, and Arabic; you can select a language after you click on the survey link. 

  • The survey is open until midnight on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

Click the link to get started:

  We appreciate your participation and valuable input!


Dr. Bryan Davis

Superintendent of Schools

Oshkosh Area School District | 920.424.0395

Outdoor Recess/Personal Property at School

Franklin students will be going outside for recess, weather permitting.  Students are expected to participate in outdoor recess with their classmates and should come to school prepared to go outside with the proper clothing, shoes, etc. 

A doctor's note is required if your child will need to stay in for a length of time longer than 3-5 days.  Please keep in mind that toys, phones, electronic games, and sporting goods should be kept at home as we do not want to risk loss or damage to your personal property.

Classroom Assignments for 2024-25 School Year

Requests DUE by Friday, May 17

The Oshkosh Area School District Policy #434 provides parents the opportunity to fill out a request form for a specific classroom for consideration at the building level based on an educational need for your child.  “Request for Specific Teacher or Class Assignment Forms” can be picked up in the school office or on the district webpage using the following link: Request for Specific Teacher or Class Form.  All request forms must be turned in to the school office by Friday, May 17.  A great deal of time and effort is put into creating balanced classrooms. All classroom requests will be reviewed; however, they may not be honored. Late forms will not be accepted. 


Kids Races Stock Illustrations – 433 Kids Races Stock ...

Change of Clothing

Our younger students are strongly encouraged to keep a change of clothing in their backpack in the event they soil their clothes due to recess activities, lunch spills or health issues.  Due to space limitations, we do not keep extra clothing at school to accommodate these needs.  Parents/Guardians will be called to bring needed clothing.  In addition, parents of students who have ongoing bathroom accidents may need to be called to assist their student, if necessary.


Bus School Front

  • 7:15 to 8:15 AM and 2:15 to 3:15 PM - the circle drive is closed to all traffic except the buses and those who need handicap accessibility.
  • Please read and obey signs.
  • Vehicles are not to wait in the circle drive or parking lot to drop off/pick up their children. Instead, drivers must drop students off safely on a nearby side street.
  • Please drop off students curbside. Do not allow students to cross in front of traffic as they exit the car.
  • Set up a designated meeting location so that your child will know where to meet you and your vehicle.
Clothes pieces

Lost and Found

Please check the lost and found before the end of the school year!



Balloons - Free images on PixabayBirthday Treats, Invitations and Books

Treats:  Edible birthday treats are not allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc. 

Invitations:  Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class.   If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too.  We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.

Birthday Books:  Each year our Franklin PTO raises money to purchase books that are kept in the Principal's office.  Students are invited to the Principal's office on their birthday to pick out a book to keep and take home.  Students with summer month birthdays are also included in this activity during the last months of school

First page of the PDF file: RunningClubFlyer-Spring20242