October 2022
Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”
Franklin Elementary School
1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54902 Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581 oshkosh.k12.wi.us
Jami R. Kohl, Principal jami.kohl@oshkosh.k12.wi.us
Rebecca Kleven, Secretary rebecca.kleven@oshkosh.k12.wi.us
Oshkosh West Homecoming Parade
Let's Glow Parade
Franklin students are once again invited to participate in the Oshkosh West homecoming Parade to be held on Friday, September 30. Details are in the flyer below.
REGISTER FOR SCHOOL: Please make sure that you have completed the annual online registration for your student(s), which can be accessed through your parent portal account at the following link: Parent Portal An email was sent to parents on September 9 who have not completed the annual online registration. If you are unable to login to your parent portal, please contact the school office to request that your portal account be reset. Please note that if your child is new to the Oshkosh Area School District, you do not have to complete the annual registration but should contact the school office to obtain a Parent Portal account for future use. Students that do not register will NOT be in the school yearbook.
RECESS MILK: Recess milk is a snack milk taken by students during the school day. The cost for recess milk is $.40 per milk. (There is no charge for recess milk if you qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program) Teachers will be charging student accounts for milk daily. Please make sure that your child's teacher is aware if your child will not be taking milk so the account does not get charged.
SACK LUNCH MILK: Students that choose to bring a sack lunch from home may purchase a milk at the cost of $.40. This amount will be deducted from your child's account. Daily payments for sack lunch milk will not be accepted. Please note that if you qualify for the free and reduced lunch program, milk with a sack lunch from home is not free or included as part of the program. In addition, please note that there are no microwaves on site for students to use at lunch time.
Picture Days
Thursday, October 6
Thursday, November 10 (Retakes)
Network Photography is planning to take school pictures at Franklin on Thursday, October 6, beginning at 8:00 am. All students present on October 6 will have their picture taken.
November 10 will be a retake day for any retakes and students not present on October 6.
All pictures will be ordered online using the following link:
Network Photography Picture Ordering Link
National Walk to School Day
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Franklin PTO Halloween Costume Dance Party
Friday, October 21, 2022
5:30 to 7:00 pm
Please click on the following link to view the flyer below more closely: Halloween Dance Party Flyer
Halloween Festivities
Monday, October 31, 2022
Your child may choose to wear fall colors or bring an appropriate costume to put on for an afternoon party. To promote a festive environment at Franklin School, we ask that students wear costumes that are of a non-violent nature. Please be aware that costumes may not include weapons per school board policy 443.51. In addition, students may NOT wear any masks. Costumes not suitable for our environment will be asked to remove them.
There will be a parade outside of the school building (weather permitting) that parents are welcome to attend beginning at 1:50 pm. If the parade is cancelled, parents will be notified by 1:00 pm via email/text. Please keep costumes simple as parents and adult visitors will not be permitted into the school building to assist with costumes or visit classrooms.
As always, learning and safety are our primary concerns. With your help and cooperation, our school family can complete our important schoolwork and have a little seasonal fun too!
Lunch/Recess Schedule 2022-23
Lunch 11:00-11:30 am/Recess 11:30-11:45 am
Grade 1:
Lunch 11:20-11:50 am/Recess 11:50-12:05 pm
Grade 2:
Lunch 11:25-11:55 am/Recess 11:55-12:10 pm
Grade 3:
Lunch 11:30-12:00 pm/Recess 12:00-12:15 pm
Grade 4:
Lunch 11:15-11:45 am/Recess 11:45-12:00 pm
Grade 5:
Lunch 12:00-12:30 pm/Recess 12:30-12:45 pm
Meet Luna!
Franklin has an opportunity for a registered therapy dog to visit periodically. Luna is a three year old cockapoo and a registered therapy dog through Alliance of Therapy Dogs (https://www.therapydogs.com/).
Luna will be accompanying Jana Weigandt, a Program Support Coordinator, at various times. Therapy dogs can help reduce stress, provide comfort, and help improve emotional well-being and self-esteem.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jana at 920-424-0078 x6220 or at jana.weigandt@oshkosh.k12.wi.us.
We are really excited to have Luna join our Franklin family!
If your child is going to be absent or late for school for any reason, please contact the office at 424-0078 (Press "0" for the Operator). You may leave a message on the voice mail system to report the absence. If you email the teacher, please also email the office. Absences are considered "unexcused" if we do not hear from a parent/guardian. Students who are absent from school more than 10 minutes of any part of the day without a proper excuse shall be recorded as unexcused. A student who is absent less than 10 minutes of a day shall be recorded as tardy. The time a student enters or leaves the building will be documented, and the system will calculate the absence accordingly and uniformly across the district. Please keep this in mind as you schedule appointments for your children. It is always best to schedule appointments during non-school hours. Students are expected to be in class from 7:45 to 2:45 daily.
The District's attendance policy aligns with State DPI attendance policies. To view the Oshkosh School District's attendance policy, please click on the following link: OASD Board Policies You will need to click on the Icon to the upper right that says "POLICIES" then click on the button that indicated "5000 Students" then select 5200 Attendance.
Calling the School
When you call the main school office number of 920-424-0078, you have the option to leave a message directly for a teacher without going through the office. You can reach the teacher's voicemail by keying in their last name or using the voicemail extensions on the Staff Directory link at the top of the newsletter. Teachers will be checking these messages before the end of each day.
Let’s start off each day with a sparkle and a shine! We all know the importance of dental hygiene, but it's important to understand that there's more to it than just brushing your teeth.
Here's what you need to know:
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.
Get regular cleanings with a dentist, every 6 months.
Skip the juice and soda, and go for water or milk instead.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email at lindsey.uecker@oshkosh.k12.wi.
Thank you!
Lindsey Uecker BSN, RN, NCSN
School Nurse
Media Center News
October Edition of Common Sense Media has some great infomation on Safety, Privacy and Security for kids online: Common Sense Media
Your students are working very hard in the art room creating masterpieces for this year's Art to Remember program! Art to Remember More information will be coming in the future about how to order. All items ordered will be delivered before Christmas break. Also, proceeds go directly to the Franklin Art Room to benefit all students on a daily basis!
Thank you,
Mrs. Mueller, Franklin Art Teacher
Tri-County Dental Clinic
Franklin will be participating in the Free Dental Care Program through the Tri-County Dental Clinic again this year. If your Preschool, kindergarten and/or elementary school child(ren) are eligible for Free or reduced cost hot lunch, or have a Forward card from Medicaid (Badger Care) and DO NOT have private dental insurance, they can receive free dental care on the mobile unit.
There will be an initial screening by the dental clinic at Franklin Elementary School on Thursday, September 29, at 9:00 am.
Registration forms for the free program will be sent home with students the first week of school. Please turn all forms into the school office only if you wish for your child to have dental services.
Lunch Supervisors Needed
Franklin is now hiring ENTHUSIASTIC and ENERGETIC staff for lunch recess supervisor positions.
HOURS: 11:00am-12:30pm daily.
RATE: $15.13/Hour
If interested, please contact Jami Kohl, Principal, at 920-424-0078 or via email: jami.kohl@oshkosh.k12.wi.us
Franklin Winter Concert
For students in
Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2
Monday, November 14, 2022
6:00 pm
Alberta Kimball Auditorium
Please save the date for Monday, November 14, as students in kindergarten, first and second grades will be performing a winter concert at the Alberta Kimball Auditorium at West High School. More details will be provided prior to the event.
NEWS from the world of Physical Education
Franklin's 1st through 5th graders have been going outside every possible chance to enjoy the weather. It's been great, and the kids have not needed to change into inside only gym shoes--unless they have on open-toed shoes or crocks. As we get further into the school year, gym shoes will be required for inside usage. Students that do have gym shoes at school will be required to use a loaner pair to participate in gym class. Thank you to all who have already sent shoes to school. If you have not, please do so as soon as possible before the weather turns.
Thank You!
Mr. Andy Roloff, Physical Education Teacher
Mrs. Tiedt’s
Parent Connection
Dear Franklin Family,
I’ve created a mailbox for you to reach me by clicking on the following link: Mrs. Tiedt's Parent Referral Mailbox. You may also reach me via email: nicole.tiedt@oshkosh.k12.wi.us or by phone at 920-424-0078 ext 1528.
I am in each classroom every other week teaching guidance lessons. Please ask your student about the website that I’ve created for them as well. Click here to check out Mrs. Tiedt's Counselor Connection Website.
This is a stressful time for everyone. Remember we are here for you. If you need anything, check out this Oshkosh Area Community Resources link.
If your family is experiencing difficulty at home, I would like to provide additional support at school. I understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please call me and just tell me to “Handle with Care.” Nothing else needs to be said or asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all in this together.
Check below to see what’s happening this month in guidance!
Wishing you well,
Nicole Tiedt
What’s Happening in Guidance?
Welcome Back Franklin Falcons! During the months of September and October we will be focusing on the role a School Counselor plays.
What Does a School Counselor Do?
We will also learn about self-regulation and how to keep our bodies safe and calm.
Sometimes our emotions get overwhelming and it becomes difficult for us to control our emotions. In October we will be learning about our brain and how our brain and our bodies work together to help keep us safe. Here’s a short video that can help us to understand how this works:
Why do we lose control of our emotions?
Coping Strategies are the skills and activities we use to help us regulate our emotions. We will be talking about what strategies we can use when we are feeling these emotions. Every person has their own coping strategies that work best for them. This just makes sense because each of us are unique! What works for one person, may not always work for another!
Franklin Family Night at the Wisconsin Herd Game
Friday, November 4, 2022
7:00 pm
Please click on the following link to order your tickets for this event: Order Your Tickets Here
Please click on the following link to view the flyer below more closely: Franklin Herd Flyer
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Please click on the following link to view the lunch menus each month:
Food Service Information and Menus
Change of Clothing
Our younger students are strongly encouraged to keep a change of clothing in their backpack in the event they soil their clothes due to recess activities, lunch spills or health issues. Due to space limitations, we do not keep extra clothing at school to accommodate these needs. Parents/Guardians will be called to bring needed clothing. In addition, parents of students who have ongoing bathroom accidents may need to be called to assist their student, if necessary.
Outdoor Recess/Personal Property at School
Franklin students will be going outside for recess, weather permitting. Students are expected to participate in outdoor recess with their classmates and should come to school prepared to go outside with the proper clothing, shoes, etc.
A doctor's note is required if your child will need to stay in for a length of time longer than 3-5 days. Please keep in mind that toys, phones, electronic games, and sporting goods should be kept at home as we do not want to risk loss or damage to your personal property.
Professional Development Days
(Note: There will no longer be Early Dismissal Days for Professional Development)
As indicated on the School Calendar at the link above, there will no school on the following dates due to Teacher Professional Development. Please look carefully at the student calendar for all other days off as well. The Profesional Development dates are as follows:
Friday, October 14th
Friday, November 11th
Friday, December 9th
Monday, January 16th
Friday, February 10th
Monday, February 20th
Friday, March 10th
Friday, May 12th
Birthday Treats/Invitations/and Books
Treats: Edible birthday treats are not allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc.
Invitations: Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class. If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too. We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.
Birthday Books: Each year our Franklin PTO raises money to purchase books that are kept in the Principal's office. Students are invited to the Principal's office on their birthday to pick out a book to keep and take home. Students with summer month birthdays are also included in this activity during the last months of school.