November 2021

Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”   

Franklin Elementary School            

1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI  54902    Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581

Jami R. Kohl, Principal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Rebecca Kleven, Secretary                                                                                                                                         

Franklin Staff Directory


Quick Reference/Notes...

  • DISTRICT HANDBOOK:  The OASD has put together a School Year Handbook for the 2020-21 School Year.  Please click on the following link to view this information:  OASD 2021-22 School Plan Handbook

  • VISITOR PROTOCOLS: Please refer to Section 4.1 of the District Handbook above in regards to entering the school building.  Parents will not be allowed to enter the school building for any reason, unless pre-approved by the building principal or designee.  Parents needing to drop off or pick up their child during school hours will need to call the office at 424-0078 (press "0") and then wait out in their car for a staff member to meet you.  Parents will not be allowed to enter the building to visit classrooms or the cafeteria without explicit permission from the building principal.

  • NOVEMBER EARLY RELEASE: Wednesday, November 10, is an early release day.  All students dismiss at 12:30 pm.



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Calendar of Events

Community Happenings

Student Calendar

Parent Portal

Chromebook Help




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Picture Retake Day

Thursday, November 4 

Network Photography was at Franklin School on Thursday, September 30 to take school photos.  All students present on September 30 had their picture taken.  November 4 will be a retake day for any picture retakes and students not present on September 30.  E-academy students are welcome to come to school for pictures as well.  

Information on ordering picture packages was sent home with students.  In addition, the following link can be used to pre-order photos:

Network Photography Picture Day Flyer

Network Photography Ordering Link

Christmas and Holiday Music – Band and Choir Concert – The Students' Voice

Franklin Winter Concert

Monday, November 15, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Franklin's Winter Concert will be held on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Alberta Kimball Auditorium at West High School.   All students in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade will be performing.  All performers should arrive by 5:40 pm, use the restroom and find their assigned seat in the back of the auditorium.  All families and friends are invited to attend.   Thank you to all families for your support of our music program on this very special day!  Also, the PTO is planning to have a bake sale after the concert.   If you have questions, please contact Ms. Mindock as follows:

NOTE:  Students in Grade 3-5 will be participating in a Spring Concert scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2022 @ 6:00 pm.


The Best Resources for Royalty Free Music to Use for YouTube Videos

Music Room News

Hello to all Franklin Families! Click THIS LINK to view a newsletter from Ms. Mindock, your student's music teacher. Have a great day!

Bake Sale is September 10 – Hephzibah Children's Association


The Franklin PTO will host a bake sale following the Winter Concert in the Alberta Kimball Auditorium lobby.  Donated baked goods, PACKAGED READY FOR SALE, are needed for this event.  Please bring your donated baked goods to school during the day on Monday, November 15 or bring with you to the concert.  Your participation and contributions to this event are greatly appreciated.

Asbury Elementary School » The Book Fair Is Coming!

Scholastic Book Fair

The PTO will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair the week of November 8-12.  More details will be coming on purchase times and location.  



  • Students may enter the building at 7:30 am when they arrive to school.  Students should not arrive before 7:30 am unless they are signed up for the YMCA Before School Care Program.  
  • As the weather gets colder, please send your student in weather-appropriate clothing to go outside.
  • Please send your child with a mask each day.



Less than 50 degrees–students must wear a jacket.

50-59 degrees– jacket choice (Can’t come back in)

60 degrees and above– No jacket needed.


Less than 10 degrees or Zero Wind Chill or rain– students stay inside

10 degrees and above Zero Wind Chill– OUTSIDE 

9 Discontinued Canned Foods You'll Never See Again — Eat This Not That

Kiwanis Food Drive and Magic Show

November 15-19, 2021

Franklin will be participating in the annual Kiwanis Food Drive to benefit local food pantries.  Please send any non-perishable food items that you able to donate for this cause from November 15 - 19.  

As a "Thank You" for donating, Franklin students will enjoy a Magic Show put on by the Oshkosh Mid-Morning Kiwanis Club on Wednesday, December 1, in the Franklin gymnasium.

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Hello from the Art Room!

The OASD Art Department is having an art show at the Masonic Temple on November 6, from 6:00-9:00 pm.  The show will be open to the public.  Students whose artwork is chosen for display, will be notified and receive a certificate.

Art To Remember - Lessons - Blendspace

Our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. Your student should be bringing home a customized order form this week.  There are over 60 products and many are less than $15. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes right back to our school. Click on the link below and enter the online order code shown on your child's order form or to search for your child's artwork. Then, have fun shopping!  All orders are due by November 8.


INFORMATION FLYER:   Art to Remember Flyer


Keep Contacting the School

The OASD still has COVID-19 protocols in place.  If anyone in your household shows symptoms of Covid-19 please keep all school age household members at home and contact your child's school.  We are still contact tracing and quarantining students as needed.

In an effort to continue to track symptomatic students, return dates to school, and Covid-19 cases, we kindly ask that you continue to notify your school nurse when your child has symptoms, has tested positive for Covid-19, or has been a close contact to someone that has tested positive for Covid-19.   If you have questions, please contact Franklin's Health Assistant, Tracy Werner at (920) 424-0078 Ext. 1509 or


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Gym shoe update

from Mr. Roloff, Phy-ed Teacher

This year 2nd -5th Grade students have been participating in Physical Education class outside.  Dressing your child in layers would be helpful for the weather conditions. Though we will try and continue to be outside, weather is going to force us in, please check with your child to see if they have inside only gym shoes and if they still fit.  Lots of students have been borrowing loaner pairs for inside use.  Thank you for your assistance with this.  

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Monday, November 22 (Teacher Request)

Parent-Teacher Conferences for the first quarter will be held on Monday, November 22, 2021 only by teacher request.  (NOTE: Franklin will not hold conferences on Wednesday, November 24, as indicated on the district Teacher and Student 2021-22 Calendar)

Your Child’s teacher will be sending a form home around November 8 indicating whether or not a formal conference is recommended for your child.  If a conference is recommended, the time of your conference will be on November 22 between 3:15 to 4:45 pm, for approximately 15 minutes in your child’s classroom.   If you prefer a virtual conference, you will be able to make that request.  

Kids Races Stock Illustrations – 433 Kids Races Stock ...

Change of Clothing

Our younger students are strongly encouraged to keep a change of clothing in their backpack in the event they soil their clothes due to recess activities, lunch spills or health issues.  Due to space limitations, we do not keep extra clothing at school to accommodate these needs.  Parents/Guardians will be called to bring needed clothing.  In addition, parents of students who have ongoing bathroom accidents may need to come into the building to assist their child.  

Employment Opportunities

Please click on the following link to view employment opportunities with the OASD Food Services Department:


Safety Patrol - Our Lady of Hope Catholic School

Safety Patrols of the Month

Mrs. Hollis, Safety Patrol Coordinator, would like to recognize the following Safety Patrols this month for doing a good job in keeping our kids safe while crossing the roads:

  • Callie Schroeder
  • Drew Saippa
  • Harrison Clark 
  • Huxley Lipski
  • Carson Mendes
  • Spencer Boening 


Mrs. Tiedt’s 

Parent Connection 

Dear Franklin Families:

I’ve created a mailbox for you to reach me by clicking on the following link: Mrs. Tiedt's Parent Referral Mailbox. You may also reach me via email: or by phone at 920-424-0078 ext 1528. 

I am in each classroom every other week teaching guidance lessons. Please ask your student about the website that I’ve created for them as well. Click here to check out Mrs. Tiedt's Counselor Connection Website.

This is a stressful time for everyone. Remember we are here for you. If you need anything, check out this Oshkosh Area Community Resources link

If your family is experiencing difficulty at home, I would like to provide additional support at school. I understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please call me and just tell me to “Handle with Care.” Nothing else needs to be said or asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all in this together. We’ll get through this.

Check below to see what’s happening this month in guidance! 

 Wishing you well, 

 Nicole Tiedt  


November 2021 


What’s Happening in Guidance?


During the month of November we will be focusing on Kindness! November 13th is World Kindness Day! We’ll spend the month watching for kindness throughout the building. We’ll learn the true meaning of bullying and the difference between someone being mean or rude or being a bully. 

What do The Salvation Army crest and shield signify? - New Frontier  Chronicle

Salvation Army Seasonal Assistance Program

Please click on the following link to view the flyer that was sent home with all students regarding the Seasonal Assistance Programs at the Salvation Army such as Coats for Kids and Toys for Tots.  Sign up for this year's programs are online only.  

Seasonal Assistance Program Link

NEW Youth Basketball League

Boys & Girls in Grades 1-6

$30 per Player

Volunteer Coaches needed!

More information and Registration at