May-June 2023

Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”   

Franklin Elementary School            

1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI  54902    Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581

Jami R. Kohl, Principal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Rebecca Kleven, Secretary                                                                                                                                         

Franklin Staff Directory



5th Grade

DARE Graduation and Moving On Ceremony

Thursday, June 1

8:00 to 9:15 am

Grade 5 students will gather in the Franklin Gymnasium for DARE Graduation and a Moving on Ceremony  to recognize the completion of their time at Franklin Elementary School. 

Important Visitor Information

Parents/Guardians of Grade 5 students are invited to attend this event.  Our OASD School Policy requires that all visitors check in at the office for a visitor badge.  Your driver's license is required.  To pre-register for this event and have a visitor badge ready for you upon arrival, please contact Becky Kleven in the School Office at 920-424-0078 "press 0" or via email  If you do not pre-register, be prepared to wait in line to go through the office to get your visitor badge.

Returning Student Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year

Hello, OASD Families - The Oshkosh Area School District's required Annual Student Update (Enrollment) for returning K-12 students and for new 4K students will take place March 31 - September 1, 2023. Please read the following update for more information and action steps: OASD Update 03.16.23 - Returning Student Enrollment for 2023-24 Opens March 31

Classroom Assignments for 2023-24 School Year

Requests DUE by Friday, May 5

The Oshkosh Area School District Policy #434 provides parents the opportunity to fill out a request form for a specific classroom for consideration at the building level based on an educational need for your child.  “Request for Specific Teacher or Class Assignment Forms” can be picked up in the school office or on the district webpage using the following link: Request for Specific Teacher or Class Form All request forms must be turned in to the school office by Friday, May 5.  A great deal of time and effort is put into creating balanced classrooms. All classroom requests will be reviewed; however, they may not be honored. Late forms will not be accepted. 

Media Center News

Greetings Families!

Our Franklin Media Center team would like to thank you for a great year of reading and digital citizenship classes!

As the school year comes to a close we ask that you begin to look for and return overdue library materials you may still have.

All Library Books are Due Friday, May 19th 

While our OASD Media Centers will be closed for the summer you can continue

your summer reading journey with the Oshkosh Public Library. 

Check out the OPL youth programs HERE!

Happy Reading!

Mrs. Daniels-- Library Media Specialist

Mrs. Hintze--- Library Media Assistant


Art Class Workshop Template Design Kids Art Craft Education Creativity Class  Concept Vector Illustration Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - iStock


Hello from the Art Room!

It has been a great year of creating artwork with all of the Franklin artists!  I hope everyone has a great summer.  While you’re on vacation, if you want to collect any of the following items for the art room, it would be appreciated:


*Amazon bubble wrap packages

*ice cube trays

*styrofoam egg cartons

Bitmoji Image

Medications at School

(Cough drops, pain medications, creams, etc.)

All medications are to be picked up by parent/guardian on or before the last day of school – (Friday, June  2, 2023).  Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year.  Any medications left here will be properly disposed of.  

 If you know your student will need medication next school year, we are asking you this summer to obtain an order from your doctor/nurse practitioner before the start of the next school year.  You can pick up this Medication\Treatment Request form from your school secretary or  health assistant before the end of this school year OR download the form from the District website. Medication/Treatment Request Form

 A physician/nurse practitioner signature must accompany all medications/treatments intended for more than 10 days use.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the student’s School Health Office. 

In the fall, the medication/treatment form, when completed by you and your doctor, can be given to Mrs. Tracy Werner in Franklin's Health Office along with the properly labeled container of medication.

2022-23 School Supply List – Crossler Middle School

Supply Lists 2023-24

Please click on the following link to view the supply lists for the 2023-24 school year:

Franklin Supply Lists 2023-24


Dear Franklin Family,

I’ve created a mailbox for you to reach me by clicking on the following link: Mrs. Tiedt's Parent Referral Mailbox. You may also reach me via email: or by phone at 920-424-0078 ext 1528. 

I am in each classroom every other week teaching guidance lessons. Please ask your student about the website that I’ve created for them as well. Click here to check out Mrs. Tiedt's Counselor Connection Website.

This is a stressful time for everyone. Remember we are here for you. If you need anything, check out this Oshkosh Area Community Resources link

If your family is experiencing difficulty at home, I would like to provide additional support at school. I understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please call me and just tell me to “Handle with Care.” Nothing else needs to be said or asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all in this together. We’ll get through this.

Check below to see what’s happening this month in guidance! 

Wishing you well, 

Nicole Tiedt  


May-June 2023


What’s Happening in Guidance?

It is Teacher Appreciation Week May 8th - 12th. We are thankful for our teachers and staff here at Franklin Elementary. Please join me in celebrating them. 

In May we will be focusing on transitioning to our new grade level. 

To our fifth graders, we are sad to say goodbye, but happy for your future endeavors. We will be taking a walking field trip to Tipler Middle School to tour the school and learn more about Middle School! We wish you well 5th graders! 


        May is Mental Health Awareness month

First page of the PDF file: SummerCamp2023Flyer



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Bike to School Day

May 3, 2023

164 Teacher Appreciation Day Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock

PTO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: May 10

Just a reminder...If you signed up to bring items for the Teacher Appreciation Lunch on May 10, those items should be brought to the school office before 10:00 am on May 10.  Thank you to those families who signed up to participate.

field-day | Altura Elementary School

Field Day - May 31

Franklin students will participate in Field Day Activities on the afternoon of May 31 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.  Please make sure they have tennis shoes, a water bottle, and are dressed for outside activities.  

Breakfast/Lunch Menus

Please click on the following link to view the lunch menus each month:

Food Service Information and Menus

Kids Races Stock Illustrations – 433 Kids Races Stock ...

Change of Clothing

Our younger students are strongly encouraged to keep a change of clothing in their backpack in the event they soil their clothes due to recess activities, lunch spills or health issues.  Due to space limitations, we do not keep extra clothing at school to accommodate these needs.  Parents/Guardians will be called to bring needed clothing.  In addition, parents of students who have ongoing bathroom accidents may need to be called to assist their student, if necessary.

Professional Development Days

(Note:  There will no longer be Early Dismissal Days for Professional Development)

As indicated on the School Calendar at the link above, there will no school on the following dates due to Teacher Professional Development.  Please look carefully at the student calendar for all other days off as well.  The Profesional Development dates are  as follows:    Friday, May 12th 


Balloons - Free images on Pixabay

Birthday Treats/Invitations/and Books

Treats:  Edible birthday treats are not allowed per district policy. Students are allowed to bring a small, tangible birthday treat such as pencils, stickers, glowsticks, etc. 

Invitations:  Classroom teachers may not distribute birthday invitations to students unless they are going to an entire class.   If you are inviting kids from another class, that whole entire class would need to be invited too.  We prefer that birthday invitations get handled outside of school.

Birthday Books:  Each year our Franklin PTO raises money to purchase books that are kept in the Principal's office.  Students are invited to the Principal's office on their birthday to pick out a book to keep and take home.  Students with summer month birthdays are also included in this activity during the last months of school.

Running Club


Students in Grades 3-5 who have sign up and turned in parent permission forms may participate in Running Club on the following days:

Tuesday, May 2 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Thursday, May 4 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Tuesday, May 9 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Thursday, May 11 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Tuesday, May 16 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Thursday, May 18 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Tuesday, May 23- 2:50 to 3:45 pm

Thursday, May 25 - 2:50 to 3:45 pm