June 2020

Oshkosh Area School District ― “Building Community Through Education”   

Franklin Elementary School            

1401 West 5th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI  54902    Phone: 920.424.0078 │Fax: 920.424.7581 oshkosh.k12.wi.us

Jami R. Kohl, Principal                                                                                                                                                            jami.kohl@oshkosh.k12.wi.us                                                                                   

Rebecca Kleven, Secretary                                                                                                                                                rebecca.kleven@oshkosh.k12.wi.us   

Franklin Staff Directory


Reminders from the office...

  • Registration for the 20-21 School Year: The OASD's required Annual Student Update (Enrollment) for Returning Students began last month.  Please take time to complete the annual enrollment by going to your Parent Portal.  In the Index you will click on "more" to see the annual student enrollment.  Remember that the parent whose address is in the Franklin attendance area is the guardian who has access to do the annual update.  We recommend that all parents update their portal even if you are not doing the annual registration.  If you have questions or need assistance, contact our school secretary, rebecca.kleven@oshkosh.k12.wi.us.

  • Report cards will be mailed to all households the week of June 8.  You will be also be able to access report cards through the parent portal as soon as grades are posted on June 3.  

  • Please take a moment to read an update from the District: OASD Meal Program Update 06.01.20 - Summer Meal Distribution. The OASD will be transitioning to its annual summer meal distribution program for students only, which will modify the grab-and-go meal program activated in response to school building closure during COVID-19. 




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Calendar of Events

Community Happenings

Student Calendar

Parent Portal

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Franklin Supplies Exchange

On June 3 & 4, Franklin will hold a supplies exchange with families by appointment.  For the full details, please click on the following link to view the letter:  Franklin Family Letter

If you would like to schedule a time to exchange supplies, please contact the school secretary: via email: rebecca.kleven@oshkosh.k12.wi.us. or by calling the school office at 424-0078.  The PTC Fast System is now closed for new appointments and changes.

Supplies Exchange Day Information from your car...

1)  Please arrive at the front of school at your designated appointment time.  You will be directed to enter the circle drive at your designated time.

2) Please put a sign with your family last name in your window where staff will see it.  

3) Stay in your car and continue to slowly pull forward until your car is directly in front of the school's main entrance (Station 1 - Drop Off).  At that time, one adult may exit the car to put the supplies, computer, etc. that you are returning to school on a cart.  Re-enter your car and pull forward to the designated Station 2 - Pick up.  

4) Please do not pass or pull around another car in the circle drive.  Please stay in single file.

Supplies Exchange Day Information for walk up...

1)  Walk-ups must have an appointment and  should look for the signage for walk ups, which will be located in front of school near the flag pole.  Please do not approach the front doors of school; wait for a staff member to give your directions.

6th Grade Immunization Requirements

(First dose given at age 11, before entering 6th grade) Your 5th grade child will need the Tdap immunization before entering 6th grade as required by Wisconsin State Law.  

Please inform your school of the immunizations your child has received by emailing the school nurse your child’s name and date of immunization.  

School Nurse: Kaitlyn Williams RN              Email:  kaitlyn.williams@oshkosh.k12.wi.us

If you choose to sign a waiver, please contact your school office or click on this link https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/forms/f0/f04020l.pdf  to obtain the paperwork. On the paperwork, you will need to complete Step 1, Step 4 and Step 5, sign and return to your school before the start of 6th grade.


Vermont Organizations Land Contracts for USDA Farmers to Families ...

Farmers to Families Food Box Program for the Oshkosh Community

Please click on the following link to view information about this free program that is available to you:  Farmers to Families

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BoxTops for Education

Hello Franklin Families!  Even though we are all stuck at home, it is a great time to remember to save your boxtops.  Most of the boxtop products no longer have the traditional boxtops on their products.  However, there are still a few things here and there.  It would be great to have a big collection when school resumes.

Also, don’t forget to download the new boxtop app. In the app, you can take a photo of your store receipt and then the app will send the boxtops directly to our school. It is that simple. There are also bonus boxtops available throughout the month. As a school we have raised over $500 through the app this school year alone. I know if everyone uses the app, we could see that number increase rapidly. Thank you to those who have downloaded the app.  For information on downloading the app, please click on the following link:  Boxtops for Education

If you have any questions, please contact the PTCO  via email: franklinelementaryptco@gmail.com 

Thank you!

Safety Patrol Belts

Please make sure that you return all safety patrol belts to school during the exchange.  



Presenting the Franklin Virtual Talent Show 2020!

Remarkable students in 4th and 5th grade shared their talents virtually for the whole school to see and enjoy during at-home learning. Please click the link below to view the Talent Show videos! Special thank you to Mrs. Tiedt and Mrs. Tennessen for being the MCs of the show!

Franklin Talent Show Link

The US Open (Tennis) Logo Graphic design Music, Arts, Physical ...May/June

Specialist Schedules

Please click on the following link to view the Art, Music, and Phy-Ed schedules for this month: Specialist Distance Learning Schedule  

To my family :( I miss you already and love u all so much! Wish we ...

Dear Franklin Families,

It has been a pleasure and an honor to be part of the Franklin School community. I have met so many amazing people and worked with the most extraordinary children during my time here. Franklin has truly been my home away from home. While I am sure to enjoy retirement, I will dearly miss being with my Franklin Family every day. To my kids, both past and present: Know that you are the best part of my career. You filled my days with joy and wonder. I am proud to have been your teacher and I will hold you all in my heart forever. Make yourselves proud! 

Once a Falcon, always a Falcon!

Camille Leisten